We carry physico-chemical analysis for water and soil

We issue reports of analysis

We provide support and consultancy for laboratory accreditation

  1. Identificăm, protejăm și conservăm ariile protejate;
  2. We study biotic and/or abiotic factors, natural and/or anthropogenic factors, that influence the proper functioning of ecosystems and their components (species, habitats, and environmental conditions);
  3. We make management plans for protected areas and natural and/or anthropogenic areas:
    • inventory and mapping studies;
    • monitoring and evaluation of future threats to wildlife and flora;
    • socio-economic studies;
    • development of specific monitoring protocols.
  4. We develop and implement projects and programs to improve the health of ecosystems and their components.

Sampling and measuring 

Sampling and measuring 

Sampling and measuring 

Sampling and measuring 

Sampling and measuring 

Sampling and measuring