The Morii Lake Project

Located in the area of the Crângași district, Morii Lake boasts the title of the largest lake of the Municipality of Bucharest, with an area of 246 ha and an impressive volume of water, 4.7 million m3.

Despite its size, this reservoir appeared in the city landscape only three and a half decades ago. Built at the end of the 20th century, Morii Lake arose from the need to set up a reservoir, following the construction of the Ciurel Dam, with the aim of preventing floods.

From an ecological point of view, the Morii Lake area represents a true urban refuge for many animal species. The diversity of bird species that find favorable conditions for rest and food on Morii Lake is impressive, especially if we analyze the avifaunistic observations of recent years. More than a third of the identified species are of community interest, being included in Annex I of the Birds Directive, which defines the priority species for conservation and the designation of Natura 2000 sites.

Project objectives:

1. Involvement of local community members in actions to raise awareness and protect nature;
2. Highlighting the importance of biodiversity;
3. Maintaining and improving the ecological value of the area;
4. Creation of nature-friendly recreational and educational facilities;
5. Capitalizing on the tourist potential offered by Morii Lake.


1. Monitoring and mapping the natural elements that make up the area's biodiversity.
In the analyzed area, a biodiversity monitoring program is being carried out, aiming to identify the current state of flora and fauna species in Lake Morii and its vicinity, and to quantify the impact on them caused by the urbanization of the area (the construction activity of the promenade in 2022), as well as pollution and illegal waste dumping along the embankment area.
2. The active involvement of local and neighboring communities in Natura5.
In the context of the development of the Morii Lake area, to increase the inclusion of the local community, one of the activities carried out is the realization of an opinion survey with passers-by, in order to obtain various points of view regarding the development of the area.
3. Concrete information and awareness actions


Join the project and fill out the survey to express your opinion!

Proiectul lacul Morii - Natura5