Research - development in the area of environmental protection

  • We create, develop and implement methods of research, monitoring and evaluation of the health of ecosystems and their components (species, habitats and environmental conditions);
  • Realizăm studiii geologice ce au ca scop popularea și/sau repopularea unor habitate afectate de impactul antropic;
  • We study the impact of using renewable energy systems on the environment;
  • We research the dynamics of ecosystems in the context of their natural development and the impact of human activity on them;
  • We monitor the effects of global climate change on the functionality of ecosystems and their components;
  • We monitor and inventory aquatic species, survey and map submerged habitats nationally and internationally;
  • We design, implement and administer applications and/or virtual networks of a scientific and educational nature, by collecting, storing and exchanging information related to the conservation of biodiversity, the natural environment and the natural archaeological cultural heritage.

Research - development in the fields of geotechnics and geoscience

  • We develop geotechnical studies;
  • We carry out design, expertise and consulting activities in the fields of geotechnics, geology, other technical sciences;
  • We carry out research-development-innovation projects;
  • We carry out field work, analysis and laboratory tests.