
Infrastructure monitoring campaign for data collection prior to design or execution.

Biodiversity components inventoried:
  • plants and habitats
  • invertebrate
  • fish
  • amphibians
  • reptiles
  • birds
  • terrestrial mammals
  • bats

Natural ecosystems are invaluable to our health and well-being, but they are increasingly threatened by climate change and human intervention. As part of our Biodiversity Component Inventory and Mapping project, we aim to understand and protect these fragile ecosystems by identifying and monitoring plant and animal species that inhabit the area.

The inventory and mapping of biodiversity components is an efficient method for evaluating the health and diversity of an ecosystem. By documenting the present species and their habitats, we can identify areas that require additional protection and develop strategies for conserving biodiversity.

To carry out this project, our team of biologists and conservation experts use the most advanced techniques and equipment to identify and map plant and animal species. In addition, we work closely with the local community and public authorities to develop conservation plans that protect ecosystems in the long term.

We are proud to contribute to the protection and conservation of biodiversity through this project and are looking for partners and supporters to join our efforts. Through generous donations and sponsorships, we can continue to grow this initiative and bring positive change to our communities.

If you would like to support us in this important project for biodiversity conservation, please contact us and join our team. Together, we can protect and conserve fragile ecosystems and contribute to a more sustainable future for ourselves and our planet.